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Securing the contract of your dreams can be life changing. A new project can give you opportunities to work on high-profile projects, use new technologies or provide you with your desired work-life balance.
Securing that role will take a lot of work, but it always starts with getting yourself noticed by the recruiter. Your CV is the first opportunity to connect your skills with a role you would like. Making sure your CV stands out will give you a much better chance of being short-listed to stage two.
Take a look at these tips for your contractor CV. Then review your CV and see whether you have these bases covered.
Be Specific : Make sure you tailor your CV to the role you are applying for. Make sure the terminology is right for the industry you are entering. Research the role and find out what the key requirements are and make sure your CV shows clearly you have them – don’t expect the recruiter to read between the lines. Make it easy for them to make their requirements to you.
Be Succinct : Try to keep your CV to just 2 pages. Keep all the information relevant to the reader and make sure they can read it with ease. Remember your recruiter may not know as much about the technical side as you do, so make sure it is easy to decipher. Put your headliners at the start of the CV in order to give the recruiter a reason to keep reading.
Be Universal : Make sure you send in a format that the recruiter can open. A standard format to use is often PDF as you will be able to set the layout exactly as you intended. Using other programs can leave you open to older versions corrupting your layout which will make reading your CV difficult.
Be Social : Limiting your CV to two pages might seem impossible. If so use your Linked In profile. Add all the detail , links and images to your profile and them direct to it from your CV. Make sure you have included enough content on the VC to get them interested otherwise it is unlikely they will spend the time looking on line.